
To love Prophet Muhammad, stay away from Bid’ah and follow the Sunnah : Sheikh Ali Zaid

To love Prophet Muhammad, stay away from Bid’ah and follow the Sunnah : Sheikh Ali Zaid

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Sheikh Ali Zaid have said that if one loves Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then that person should stay away from Bid’ah and follow the Sunnah of the prophet.

Speaking at a religious lecture organized by Al Kaun TV and Miadhu News yesterday, Sheikh Zaid said that celebrating the prophet’s birthday is a Bid’ah and Muslims should stay away from it. Sheikh Zaid said that this practice was started 400 years after the Prophet passed away by a the Fatimi sect of Shias. He said that none of the prophet’s companions or the 4 imams of the Muslims celebrated neither encouraged to celebrate this day.

“ Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) sayings prove that the best century is the century he lived in. In that century his birthday was never celebrated. Those who loved him the most were his wives and companions. They never did it to prove their love for him. Allah completed the religion during the prophet’s life time. All other additions to the religion after that are inventions” said Sheikh Zaid.

The Sheikh said that one cannot love prophet just by cooking something on 12th Rabeeul Avval or attending some function. He said that to love the prophet is to recite the Quran throughout the life and following the Sunnah. Additionally, he said that it is to stay away from all forbidden acts and doing all obligatory acts. Sheikh Ali Zaid urged everyone to follow the Sunnah if they love the Prophet (PBUH).

Also he said that without knowing about the Bid’ahs and doing something is not a problem and once you are aware of it, then should refrain from such acts.