
Qasim Ibrahim does everything in the best interest of the nation : Abdullah Riyaz

Qasim Ibrahim does everything in the best interest of the nation : Abdullah Riyaz

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Deputy leader of JP, Abdullah Riyaz have said that Qasim Ibrahim does everything in the best interest of the nation.

Speaking at a press conference held by the opposition coalition at Mookai Suites, Riyaz said that Qasim Ibrahim spent all his wealth for the people of Maldives and to do things that are beneficial for the nation.

Riyaz said that even now JP will prioritize the nation and will always support endeavors that are beneficial to the nation. In addition he said that according to President Yameen, he is the only one who is on the right path and others are not on the right path.

Riyaz also said that President Yameen got only 25 percent in the first round of the 2013 elections and that president Yameen has forgotten how much he got after Qasim decided to support him in the final round.