
Saying that fishermen will be given Rf 10,000 even if they catch fish or not is a bribe offered to them : Dr.Mausoom

Saying that fishermen will be given Rf 10,000 even if they catch fish or not is a bribe offered to them : Dr.Mausoom

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 27 secs

Former Tourism Minister Dr.Abdullah Mausoom have said that saying that fishermen will be given 10,000 Rufiyaa even if they catch fish or not by PPM during the last election was a bribe offered to them.

Dr.Mausoom said that a large portion of the Maldivian population are fishermen and that pledge PPM made can be considered as a bribe the party offered to the fishermen. He said that all other pledges made by the candidates during elections can be considered as a bribe in this regard.

Dr.Mausoom said that today we are seeing that political leaders are being framed in baseless cases and the government should stop that and return to the path of the democracy. He said that the government should be just towards everyone.

In addition, he said that politicians will always say different things at political podiums aiming to gather support for their parties. He said that what Qasim said on 26th March at Kunooz is similar to what all politicians say often.