I will go to ACC. They don’t have to come : Maumoon

I will go to ACC. They don’t have to come : Maumoon

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 9 secs

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom have stated that he will go to Anti-Corruption Commission himself and that they do not have to come to see him. In addition he said that the media should also be present as the whole country will be able to see and hear then. He also said that the people has a right to know.

Maumoon made these statements via twitter. These tweets were made in regard to the request made by ACC to get a statement from Maumoon regarding the audit reports released in 2007 about the expenses of Theemuge the then presidential palace.

Maumoon was investigated even during MDP administration based on what was on the audit reports. Maumoon also tweeted last night saying that he has done nothing that would come under the purview of ACC.