
Have requested to send Qasim abroad with any conditions the government prefers: Abdullah Riyaz

Have requested to send Qasim abroad with any conditions the government prefers: Abdullah Riyaz

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Deputy Leader of JP, Abdullah Riyaz have said that they have requested the government to send Qasim abroad with any conditions the government prefers.

Speaking at the press conference held by the opposition coalition today, he said that they asked the government in this regard due to the seriousness of Qasim’s illness. He said that they have requested the Supreme Court and also requests the President as well since this is a matter of life and death.

MDP’s PG Leader Ibrahim Mohammed Solih and MP for Makunudhoo constituency Anara Naeem also expressed concerns about Qasim’s wellbeing. They called all relevant authorities to allow Qasim to leave Maldives to seek treatment that he desperately needs.