Maldivians hope UN to be an organization which listens to small nations and makes decisions that will benefit small nations : Foreign Minister

Maldivians hope UN to be an organization which listens to small nations and makes decisions that will benefit small nations : Foreign Minister

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Foreign Minister Dr.Mohammed Asim have said that Maldivians hope UN to be an organization which listens to small nations and makes decisions that will benefit small nations.

He made this statement while speaking at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. In addition he said that he wants UN to be an organization that delivers it’s pledges. He said that the vision of Maldives for a stronger United Nations is founded on policies of President Abdullah Yameen.

“They are policies of national resilience – economic resilience, social resilience, political resilience, and indeed environmental resilience. Crafting meaningful global solutions built on national policies and experiences, for the common problems of our times, for our common, and shared destiny “ said the minister.

In addition the minister stressed on the importance of the world becoming a safer planet for all human beings. He said that no man, woman, or child should suffer due to conflict.