
President will deliver a happy news at tomorrow night’s rally: Azleen

President will deliver a happy news at tomorrow night’s rally: Azleen

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Home Minister Azleen have said that the President will deliver a happy news to the people of Maldives at tomorrow night’s rally. PPM is holding a special rally to mark the 4-year anniversary of this administration. It was previously scheduled to be held tonight however, it has been rescheduled due to bad weather conditions.

Speaking to the press at the President’s Office, Home Minister Azleen said that the rally will be very important, and the people will receive lots of happy news on that night. Azleen said that the President has administered the country in the past 4 years successfully and he has delivered his pledges to the people. He said that the president will announce future plans tomorrow night.

Azleen said that this rally is not for any specific group of people but open to the public. He requested people to attend the rally.