
Muslims can take back Jerusalem as soon as they stop serving the devil

Muslims can take back Jerusalem as soon as they stop serving the devil

Estimated time to read the article : 3 min, 46 secs

Allah has blessed Muslim leaders with the means to take back Jerusalem. The only thing they need to do is stop being hypocrites and be steadfast in the path of Allah.

Middle Eastern countries are blessed with resources to sustain themselves without depending on any western country. They have the means to extract these resources with ease. They are blessed with fuel and gas. Allah bestowed them with these resources so that they may make good use of them. There is no reason they should be slaves to USA.

They do not even need to fight USA or any other country. They just need to stop trading with those countries that are oppressing Muslims. They should stop giving any economic advantage to these countries. Muslim countries should refrain from disputes among themselves and remain strong as one Ummah. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ordered Muslims to do this.

Muslims should not depend on any other country and be afraid of intimidation by any other country. If their faith is strong then they should believe it. If Arab countries stop trading with USA, then they will know their place. Putting a stop to the billions of dollars in trade between USA and Arab countries will make USA think about these things.

America is always creating hatred among Muslim countries. They fund terrorist organizations and intimidate Muslim countries. They sell weapons to Muslim countries and snatch away all the revenues of Muslim countries.

Was America able to starve Libya or Iran? Even if they were successful to some extent it was because Muslim countries helped them to do it. USA was able to bring regime changes in Libya, and Iraq not because of their might, but because other Muslim nations assisted them to do so.

This is the research that needs to be conducted through research institutes. Muslim countries should conduct research on how to be independent of western powers. They should do research on how to strengthen the Muslim Ummah. If Islamic leaders take the necessary actions, then USA cannot do anything about Jerusalem. Jerusalem and Masjid Al-Aqsa can be taken back by Muslims even without any war. Israel would be forced to leave the occupied lands.

While knowing that Trump is a devil, some Islamic leaders treat him with respect. Is it because they are more scared of Trump and USA than they fear Allah? If Muslim leaders consider USA as a friend, then these problems will never be solved. If we believe the devil to be a friend, how can we ever benefit from it? As long as Islamic leaders continue to serve the Devil, Muslims can never win.