
Lawyers of the Maumoon, Nadheem and Faaris say that their clients can cooperate only when they are questioned!

Lawyers of the Maumoon, Nadheem and Faaris say that their clients can cooperate only when they are questioned!

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Legal team of former President Maumoon, MP Faaris and Nadheem said that their clients have not been questioned by the police and hence they do not know how they can cooperative with the investigation.

Lawyer Shameem said that so far police did not ask any questions from Former President Maumoon and hence he does not know what he should do to cooperate with the investigation. Nadheem’s lawyer also said that so far he has not been questioned.

“President Maumoon told us that they are saying that he is not cooperating with the investigation. He told us that how can he cooperate if he is not asked any questions” said Shameem. In addition he said that the police are lying by saying that Maumoon is not cooperating with them.

Shameem said that the black box they took out from Endherimaage did not have anything that can be considered as documentary evidence. Maumoon hameed said that evidence seems to be found from such black bags during the investigation. He said that when police raided Colonel Nazim’s house they took a black bag and they did not see much at first but later claimed to find many things including a flash drive and a bomb.

Nadheem’s lawyer said that so far they only know the laws under which he was detained but he has not been informed of the crimes he is suspected of.