
Have been harmed in many ways – yet after that I am able to succeed because I do everything for the betterment of the people: Qasim

Have been harmed in many ways – yet after that I am able to succeed because I do everything for the betterment of the people: Qasim

Estimated time to read the article : 2 min, 44 secs

JP’s leader Qasim Ibrahim have said that his businesses and his family have been harmed many times, but every time he is able to rebound because he works for the betterment of the people. 


Speaking to the press at JP’s HQ, Qasim said that Allah will witness the work he has done since 1984 to bring the political changes Maldives is experiencing today. 


He said that his biggest happiness was when the new constitution was ratified on 7th August 2008. “I made huge sacrifices. Went to prison several times. Me and my company faced various barriers said Qasim. 


“However with the will of Allah no one has been able to harm me. If I fall, I am able to stand up. I am experiencing that. I am working in the best interest of the people. No matter what people say I always prioritized the interest of the people. I never worked for anything except for the betterment of the people. Even today it is more important for me to spend time with my 6 little kids. However, this national work is far more important. Even they will enjoy it when this country is developed. I am doing this work because I do not want them to experience the pain we are experiencing” said Qasim.


Qasim said that some people ask why other businessmen do not act like Qasim. Qasim said that it is up to them to decide how they want to live, and they should not be blamed for it.


He further said that the country can progress when everyone works together. In addition he said that he has never done anything to take revenge from anyone and will never do that. He advised everyone to remain steadfast in the faith of Islam.