
I will be always ready to give up my life to save another person’s life - can die at any moment : Hero Abdul Azeez

I will be always ready to give up my life to save another person’s life - can die at any moment : Hero Abdul Azeez

Estimated time to read the article : 2 min, 26 secs

Abdul Azeez the hero who took away the gun from the terrorist who attacked the mosque in New Zealand yesterday have stated that he will always be ready to give up his life to save the life of another person. 

“Will die sometime anyway. So why should we be afraid of death” said Abdul Azeez. 

Abdul Azeez first tried to make the terrorist run after him so that he can give a chance for others in the mosque to get out of the mosque safely. However the terrorist did not do that and hence he confronted the guy after keeping four of his children inside the mosque. 

The terrorist couldn’t enter the mosque because of Abdul Azeez. Some people describe the incident as a rat running after a cat and winning the race. 

He said that he wanted to prevent the terrorist from entering the mosque and he picked up a gun that fell from the terrorist. However he couldn’t fire it since the gun was empty. He smashed the window of the terrorist’s car using the gun. 

“The terrorist had no courage. He did not have any power. If he was a courageous person, he would have confronted the people. He wouldn’t fire at people. Even a kid can fire from a gun. This man did something like that” said Abdul Azeez. 


Abdul Azeez was born in Afghanistan and he has been hailed as a hero from what he did yesterday. At first the police arrested him without knowing who he was. However he was later released.