
Reeko Moosa lies in the parliament saying that Qasim bribed parliament members to impeach Adeeb

Reeko Moosa lies in the parliament saying that Qasim bribed parliament members to impeach Adeeb

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MP Moosa Manik has lied in the parliament today saying that Qasim Ibrahim bribed parliament members to get their support to impeach Adheeb after the Finifenma Launch blast.

However he did not give any details of this statement he made. “I know Qasim Ibrahim bribed” said Moosa. In the past it has been proven that Moosa lies often so that it will benefit him politically. MDP says that Moosa even lied about MDP after leaving the party.

It has been noted that, the speaker of the parliament also encourages such acts of slandering if it benefits the government.