
The first step is opening the court hearings : Ali Hussain

The first step is opening the court hearings : Ali Hussain

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MP Ali Hussain have said that for a just society, the court hearings should be open to public and those who want to enter should be allowed to enter.

Speaking at a gathering held by the opposition yesterday Ali Hussain said that closed door hearings are non-Islamic and that hearings should be open to public and that there should be no reason that the hearings are closed.

He said that when the hearings are open, then the public will know whether the politicians are telling the truth or not. He also said that when the hearings are open, it will make the judge more accountable and it will build trust between the people and the courts.

“When the people hear what the defendant, his lawyers, and the PG lawyer says during the hearing then the people know what is going on” said Ali Hussain.

Ali Hussain also called to open remand hearings as well. “There are some countries where trials are live telecasted” said Ali Hussain.