
Colonel Nazim & Sheikh Imran in jail for the third year - Faaris Maumoon in jail for one year

Colonel Nazim & Sheikh Imran in jail for the third year - Faaris Maumoon in jail for one year

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Founder of JP Qasim Ibrahim have said that former defense Minister Retired Colonel Nazim, and President of AP Sheikh Imran has been in jail for 3 years and 3 months. In addition he said that Faaris Maumoon has been in jail for 1 year.

Qasim tweeted today asking whether there arnt any people in jail who were put in there unfairly. Qasim noted that the government is oppressing 15 MPs out of which 3 are jailed and 12 are not allowed to enter the parliament.

Even though Qasim is not in jail, even he has a jail sentence of 3 years.