
Qasim is not going to back down no matter how much he is harmed : Samer

Qasim is not going to back down no matter how much he is harmed : Samer

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 9 secs

The secretary general of JP, Ahmed Sameer said that the founder of JP, Qasim Ibrahim will not back down and join president Yameen, no matter how much is harmed.

Sameer said that among the political leaders, Qasim Ibrahim and his family is suffering the most. He said that his businesses are being targeted and his son is in jail for no reason.

In addition he said that no matter how Qasim is treated by the president he will not back down. “He will not stop the work he is doing to ensure justice for the Maldivian people” said Sameer.

Sameer said that Qasim is spending days full of sorrow but he is still with the people. Sameer said that even if Qasim has to work alone he will work for the people.