
Qasim makes ‘kingmaker’ hattrick!

Qasim makes ‘kingmaker’ hattrick!

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Founder of JP, Qasim Ibrahim has made a hattrick as a ‘kingmaker’ in Maldives.

In 2008, Qasim was instrumental in President Nasheed winning the election. Later in 2013 Qasim played a huge role in President Yameen winning the election and now Ibrahim Mohammed Solih has won the election with the help of Qasim.

Hence, in the last three elections held under the new constitution, Qasim has played a major role. Even though President Yameen’s supporters said that Qasim’s supporters will have to support President Yameen, the results of the election showed that the love they have for Qasim will not change.

The people showed that their support cannot be bought that easily.