
If favoring one side in the elections is being loyal, then I didn’t do it: Shareef

If favoring one side in the elections is being loyal, then I didn’t do it: Shareef

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President of the Elections Commission Ahmed Shareef have said that if favoring one side in the electios is being loyal, then he didn’t do anything of that sort.

While answering to the allegations made by President Yameen, Shareef asked whether being loyal is turning the results of the elections to favor one side.

Shareef said that if that is being loyal, then he didn’t do it. He said that if being loyal is working impartially in a way that no candidate will have a disadvantage, then he did it and the elections commission also acted in that way.

“However we did not have any plans to turn the results in a specific way. That is something we will not do. We did not even think of that. So if that is not being loyal, then what the president is saying is true. If not trying to give an advantage to any one side is considered as disloyal, then we didn’t do it” said Shareef.