
Sheikh Imran’s case submitted to Supreme Court for appeal

Sheikh Imran’s case submitted to Supreme Court for appeal

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Sheikh Imran’s case has been submitted to the Supreme Court for appeal. Imran, the president of AP was sentenced to 12 years in jail by the Criminal Court.

According to sources, the case was submitted at the Supreme Court a week ago. However the court has not yet registered the case.

Lawyers say that, the case was previously not processed because the courts were under the government’s influence. The supporters of the opposition coalition notes that the 4 leaders of the opposition should be able to take part in the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Solih.

The High Court has freed Qasim Ibrahim and President Maumoon. Meanwhile MDP says that former President Nasheed will return to Maldives on 1st November and that he will return as a free man.