
All matters related Islam should be under Ministry of Islamic Affairs- Moosa Nizar

All matters related Islam should be under Ministry of Islamic Affairs- Moosa Nizar

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Keyodhoo constituency MP Moosa Nizar has said that all matters related to Islam should be under the Ministry of Islamic Affairs.

Speaking to Miadhu Daily, Sheikh Moosa Nizar said that he will do all he can within the Peoples’ Majlis to make the Ministry of Islamic Affairs the parental institution of all matters related to Islam.

He said that the Islamic Ministry is responsible for all matters related the religion of Islam in all Muslim countries.

“Therefore, I believe that this should be the case in Maldives as well,” he said.

Sheikh Moosa Nizar said that mosques should be under the Islamic Ministry. He said that problems in this regard are arising because of this.

He said that amendments to the local governance bill and other such bills will be submitted at the Peoples’ Majlis soon.

Sheikh Moosa Nizar said that he will do all he can to pass these amendments.