
Both men and women suffer from domestic abuse – Stop it ! :Azleen

Both men and women suffer from domestic abuse – Stop it ! :Azleen

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 19 secs

Home Minister Azleen Ahmed have said that in Maldives, it is not only women that face domestic abuse but men also face domestic abuse.

He said that, this should be stopped.

He said that with the work done by the government with the people, domestic abuse rate in Maldives has been significantly reduced.

Azleen noted that, involving women in various work done for the development of nation will empower women and reduce domestic abuse. He said that President Yameen believes that there should be equal opportunities for men and women and thus he has increased the share of women in the development of Maldives up to 50 percent.

He further said that the government believes that to build a civilized society men and equal should have equal opportunities. He said that domestic abuse can also be reduced by recognizing this and working together to achieve this goal.