
Should not criticize scholars because of something one scholar say – Try to find the truth: Sheikh Ali Zaid

Should not criticize scholars because of something one scholar say – Try to find the truth: Sheikh Ali Zaid

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Sheikh Ali Zaid have said that people should not criticize all scholars because of something one scholar says. He said that instead people should try to find the truth.

Sheikh Zaid said that in Maldives it is very easy to fact check anything. He said that now it is possible to check many scholarly contents from the internet using e-libraries. “So what needs to be done is to fact check what the scholar says” said Sheikh Zaid.

Sheikh Zaid said that though it is said that there will be scholars in the modern era who would say many different things, does not mean that you should refute everything you hear for the first time.

“Till very recently Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday was celebrated in Maldives. When scholars say that it is forbidden instead of criticizing the scholar the best thing to do is check whether what the scholar said is true.

Sheikh Zaid said that there is no age limit in seeking knowledge and some companions of the prophet memorized the Quran after they became old. He said that hence, seeking knowledge is something that can be done at any age. Sheikh Zaid said that a lot of old women in Maldives try to learn Arabic and Quran but men in Maldives do not try to do this that much. “Why should men hesitate to seek knowledge? “questioned Sheikh Zaid.

Sheikh Zaid advised not to stop reciting Quran. “Some children stop reciting Quran once they are done with school. As a result after a few years they cannot even read the Quran. This is really sad. No one should be a stranger to Quran. Should always study” said Sheikh Zaid.

Sheikh Zaid said that all creations on land and sea pray for the scholars and the angels will shade those who seek knowledge from their wings.

Sheikh Zaeed made these statements in a religious lecture on last Friday organized by Al Kaun TV and Miadhu News.