
Will never support MDP ideology – Members of PA are still determined not to do so ! : President Yameen

Will never support MDP ideology – Members of PA are still determined not to do so ! : President Yameen

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President Yameen have said that he and other people who joined PPM from PA, will never support MDP even though some people from PPM are now supporting activities of MDP.

In a ceremony where 400 people from Fulidhoo joined PPM, the president said that some people say that “PPM is occupied by a group of people who came from PA” but the truth is that these members are still true to what they believed in and will never support MDP.

President said that previously names were given to two dominant ideologies in Maldives, but now it is evident that in Maldives there is a clean ideology and an unclean ideology. The president said that the clean ideology is the one which belongs to PPM.

In addition, he said that numerous new members are joining PPM because of this clean ideology. He said that like how fishes will swim where the water is, the people will join the party which is trying to develop the nation.