
There is no way the opposition can get enough votes : Adhurey – This is already over and decided : Ibu

There is no way the opposition can get enough votes : Adhurey – This is already over and decided : Ibu

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Intense arguments are being exchanged between the government and the opposition as the date scheduled for the vote against the speaker of the parliament draws closer.

The Deputy Leader of PPM Abdullah Abduh-Raheem said that it will not be possible get 42 votes against Maseeh and he really cannot think how the opposition can get that many votes. He said that the PPM coalition has more than 50 MPs in the parliament and none of them will vote against Maseeh. He said that PPM will win the vote with pride.

In a press conference held by the opposition today, MDP PG leader Ibrahim Muhammad Solih said that there is no reason to doubt about the vote and even now it has been finalized. He said that they also have made a list of things the new speaker of the parliament should reform.

On 27th of March we will see the results of what both sides are saying.