
We want to bring develop to Maldives through foreign relations: Foreign Minister

We want to bring develop to Maldives through foreign relations: Foreign Minister

Estimated time to read the article : 2 min, 9 secs

Foreign Minister Dr. Asim has said that the government wants to bring development to Maldives through foreign relations.

Speaking at the annual meeting of the heads of missions, Dr. Asim said that in addition to revealing policies of the Maldivian government to the world, it is also a priority in Maldivian foreign policy to bring economic development to Maldives.

Dr.Asim said that the purpose of this conference which was organized by MMPRC and Tourism Ministry is to discuss on what can the ambassadors of Maldives do to promote Maldives as a destination. In addition, he also said that another purpose is to identify the challenges faced by the ambassadors and to provide solutions.

Dr. Asim said that the purpose of creating the Foreign Service Institute is to improve the capacity of staffs who serve in the foreign relations sector. He said that this institute will develop foreign relations sector of Maldives. He said that Maldives is playing an important role in the international arena even now.

He said that Maldives is the chair of OASIS and Maldives is also trying to win a seat in UN Human Rights council for a third term. In addition, he said that the government is working to get a non-permanent seat in UN Security Council as well.

Speaking at today’s conference President Yameen requested ambassadors to explain the laws and procedures followed in the Maldives to the outside world.

The conference will be concluded tomorrow.