
Huge support for the Maahefun organized by the opposition coalition.

Huge support for the Maahefun organized by the opposition coalition.

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The Maahefun organized by the opposition coalition received huge support. Even though it was raining heavily a lot of people wanted to take part in the Maahefun. It was held at M.Kunooz.

Maahefun is a food feast organized prior to Ramadan Fasiting.

The Maahefun was organized by grass root members. Food was brought from different wards of Male’ and even from some islands. Maafannu ward won the 1st prize for the best table decoration while Henveyru got the second place. Third place was won jointly by Mahchan Goalhi and Galolhu.

JP leader Qasim Ibrahim and senior figures of the coalition took part in the event. The participants of the event requested to organize more events for them to participate.