
Insulting the Prophet (SAW) is a lesser crime than a parking violation in Maldives

Insulting the Prophet (SAW) is a lesser crime than a parking violation in Maldives

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In Maldives, insulting the Prophet (SAW) is a lesser crime than a parking violation even though we claim to be a one hundred percent muslim nation.

When you park outside the designated area the police will issue a ticket and hence a lot of people park in the designated areas not to get this ticket. However, people are able to insult the prophet freely, because there is no law that can punish such offenses.

The police checks for those who park outside the parking zone, because the law prohibits this. However, we don’t se police taking action against those who insult the prophet (SAW). Maybe it is because there is no law which states that the police should do that.

Maybe this is because of the ‘version’ of Islam followed by Maldivians. Indonesia which is not even a one hundred percent muslim country recently jailed a governor for insulting the prophet. The governor was a Christian governor and the verdict came at a time while Christians were protesting against this. Meanwhile in Maldives those who insult the prophet claims to be ‘Muslims’.