
Without any fear we will protest until the parliament is conducted in accordance with the law : Evila

Without any fear we will protest until the parliament is conducted in accordance with the law : Evila

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 17 secs

Ibrahim Hassan (Evila) the MP for Thoddoo constituency have said that even thought the security forces obstruct the parliament members and threaten them, they will not backdown to this intimidation and will protest until the parliament is conducted in accordance with the law.

Ibrahim Hassan said that, they will not accept the soldiers who are sent by someone who encourages to slap parliament members. He said that he does not believe that the parliament sessions should be conducted based on how the security services want.

In addition he said that, the security forces hijacked the parliament even before the parliament started and they were ordering the parliament members not to enter to the parliament house except from a specific door.

Ibrahim Hassan called the government not to obstruct the duties of parliament members. He asked the government to allow the parliament to conduct in accordance with the laws.