
Government forms a committee to help Rohingya Muslims

Government forms a committee to help Rohingya Muslims

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Government of Maldives has formed a special committee to help Rohingya Muslims to monitor the work done by various parties to help Rohingya Muslims and also to actively raise funds to help them.

The committee is chaired by Defense Minister Adam Shareef and Islamic Minister Dr.Ahmed Ziyad is his deputy. In addition representatives from other ministries are also in the committee.

Even now various organizations in the Maldives are conducting activities to help the Rohingya people. Minister Shareef said that the committee will assist all those who require assistance in this matter.

In addition, he said that they will open accounts in Bank of Maldives and Islamic Bank of Maldives so that people can donate for the fund. Furthermore he said that money can be donated via mobile phones as well.

Minister Shareef said that they will conduct a telethon to raise funds from 21st of September till 23rd September. He said that those who require more information about the program or need any assistance can call 1440. The minister also said that the committee will ensure that the money raised will go directly to Rohingya Muslims.

Even in the past Maldives has raised considerable funds for Muslims in Syria and Palestine. Maldivians are exemplary in helping those who are in need.