
Maldivian TV stations starts a telethon to raise funds for Rohingya Muslims

Maldivian TV stations starts a telethon to raise funds for Rohingya Muslims

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TV stations in Maldives have started a telethon to raise funds for Rohingya Muslims.

The telethon will go on for two days and during the telethon, information about the Rohingya Muslims will be given. Fund raising activities across the country will go on till tomorrow.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the telethon, Islamic Minister Dr. Ahmed Ziyad Baqir have said that Maldives is the first Islamic country that took the initiative to help the Rohingya Muslims.

“Maldivians have always been compassionate. Maldivians are always ready to lend a helping hand to the Muslims world” said the Minister. The fund-raising activities will be conducted till 30th of this month and fund boxes will be kept in various parts of Male’ and the islands.

RajjeTV has also raised 5 million Rufiyaa for Rohingya Muslims and the money has been handed over to Maldives Red Crescent to be delivered to Rohingya Muslims.