
Maldives ranked number one in Destination Satisfaction Index

Maldives ranked number one in Destination Satisfaction Index

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Maldives has been ranked number one in the Destination Satisfaction Index (DSI) for the period May to August 2017.

DSI was developed by Norstat and dp2research. Maldives scored 8.8 on the index. The index contains 20 important factors which are used to generate an assessment of a travel destination. Some factors include safety, accommodation, and beaches.

Maldives scored 9.4 for safety in the index and no other country in the world was able to match it. The highest-scoring European destination for safety was Austria with a score of 8.9

Maldives also scored number one in accommodation (9.4). Leading close was Abu Dhabi and the Bahamas. The top European country in the list was Cyprus followed by Turkey, Portugal, and Austria.

Furthermore, Maldives scored number one in beach satisfaction with a score of 9.5. In Europe the top beach destination was Cyprus, followed by Montenegro and Greece.

Maldives is one of the leading brands in world tourism.