
It is against the shariah to appoint women as judges: Sheikh Ali Zaid

It is against the shariah to appoint women as judges: Sheikh Ali Zaid

Estimated time to read the article : 1 min, 6 secs

Sheikh Ali Zaid has stated that it is against Islamic Shariah to appoint women as judges.

Ali Zaid said that it is a huge sin to appoint a woman to the highest court of an Islamic country. He said that it is against the Quran and the Sunnah. He also said that major Islamic scholars have issued fatwas on this issue stating that it is not permissible to appoint female judges. 

In addition he said that former Islamic Minister of Maldives, late Dr.Abdul Majeed Abdul Baree also stated that women cannot be judges. 

Dr.Baaree has stated that it is not permissible for women to be judges in criminal matters. Most scholars agree that females cannot be judges in criminal matters.