
President Nasheed overreaches the power of the parliament by directly instructing the executive!

President Nasheed overreaches the power of the parliament by directly instructing the executive!

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Speaker of the parliament, President Mohammed Nasheed has ordered the Gender Ministry of Maldives to implement decisions taken by the Human Rights and Gender Committee of the parliament. 

Legal experts see this as parliamentary overreach. As the constitution of the Maldives clearly states that the state powers should be separated, the parliament does not have the authority to order the executive. The roles of the parliament is clearly defined in the constitution.  

The parliament is in charge of making laws and holding the government accountable. Meanwhile the executive branch is tasked with governing the country and the parliament has no role in that branch. However parliament can pass laws and the executive branch should implement those laws. Parliament cannot order the executive to carry out any certain function. 

Hence, the parliament’s decision to order the Gender Ministry to carry out certain programs is seen as parliamentary overreach by many.