
The truth behind the incident of 3rd November will be established if we prevent India from translating!

The truth behind the incident of 3rd November will be established if we prevent India from translating!

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On the 3rd of November 1988, a group of Maldivians and Uma Maheswaran (Srilankan) tried to captuture the capital island of Maldives, Male'. The truth behind this can be discovered only if we avoid India from translating the statement taken for this incident, which was written /recorded in Tamil.

Firstly, Uma maheswaran is someone who was leading a group of war enthusiasts with the help and support from India in Sri Lanka. And the court case which was broadcasted on the radio was very suspicious. 

Here is a simple example. Tamil language is one of the richest languages in the whole world. The statement made by the criminal in Tamil, which lasted 5 minutes, didn’t even take 2 minutes to be translated to English and Dhivehi. Therefore, we have got to find out what his actual claims were. 

The translator does not have a right to remove any part of the declarations made in a court as he pleases. Only a Judge can do that. Many of such acts were observed throughout the investigations and the Hearing in court. Which lead many professionals to believe that it was all a drama.

Hence, the audios of that period should be released from the former Ministry of Justice. There are a lot of Maldivians who know Tamil language, and the statement must be translated from someone other than Indian translators. 

Then only we will uncover the truth behind 3rd November attck on Maldives.