
JICA announces a drawing competition and a video competition for students and schools in Maldives

JICA announces a drawing competition and a video competition for students and schools in Maldives

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Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has announced a drawing competition and a video competition for students and schools in Maldives.

This is a collaboration between JICA, Ministry of Education (MoE) as well as JICA Alumni Society of Maldives (J-ASM).

The drawing competition is targeted for students from Key stages 1-4 as below:

Key stage 1 & 2 – Theme: Hygiene Awareness

Key stage 3 & 4 – Beyond COVID-19, Build Back Better

Prize will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each key stage.

The video competition is targeted for schools in Maldives with the theme “Enjoying Exercise”. Prize will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places among the schools which compete in this category.

The due date for submission for both categories is 25th February 2021. Attached please find the Terms and Conditions for this competition  with the poster.

This information can also be viewed from the link

We would appreciate if this could be covered in your online media sites.