
MILO, now with paper straw for the first time in Maldives.

MILO, now with paper straw for the first time in Maldives.

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We are proud to announce that we are the first Ready-to-drink beverage in Maldives to switch to paper straws and start our sustainability journey towards reducing single-use plastic. 

Join hands with us and support this switch to protect our planet for a better and greener world for the generations to come. 

Let’s protect Earth, our only playground.

Nestle’s Milo ready to drink is the most popular drink in Maldives for last several years. It’s the most popular drink for students, sportsmen, social gatherings etc in Maldives.  

#milomaldives #MiloPaperStraw #ProtectOurPlayground

#SayYesToPaperStraws #SmallChangeHugeImpact

#LetsProtectEarthOurPlayground #MILOGoesGreener

#MILO #SipResponsibly