2024-01-18 00:00:00
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Moosa Zameer Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Moosa Zameer Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement
Estimated time to read the article : 7 min, 17 secs
His Excellency Honourable General Odongo Jeje Abubakher Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda,
Distinguished Ministers,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Allow me to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you, Minister Abubakher on this joyous occasion, as Uganda prepares to take on the chairship of this esteemed Movement. Your country’s vision, leadership and dedication promise a new era of increased collaboration and solidarity.
I further extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Government and the people of Uganda for the seamless arrangements and the warm hospitality accorded to my delegation and I, during our stay in this beautiful city of Kampala.
I also wish to convey my profound appreciation to Azerbaijan upon the conclusion of its tenure as outgoing Chair.
Let me also take a moment to express our collective solidarity with the people of Palestine, who continue to suffer from brutal and sustained Israeli attacks. The people of Maldives stand with the people of Palestine in realizing their inalienable rights. In their determination to live a life of dignity and prosperity. And in their struggle to establish their own independent state.
Mr. Chair,
The Non-Aligned Movement stands as a beacon of hope. Hope that weathered ideological divides, hostility, and chaos. Hope that allowed us to navigate an unchartered world. And hope that allowed us to carve our own destinies, irrespective of our size and might.
Any fear and weakness pales in comparison to this hope.
Yet, the complexities of the modern world cannot be underestimated. Be it geopolitical shifts or unprecedented crises. Be it sudden socio-economic overturns. These challenges pose great risks to our shared future. They threaten the political stabilities of our nations and deepen our existing vulnerabilities. They feed to the inequalities and injustices embedded in our societies.
There is no final verse to this story. New and emerging threats loom large over our interconnected societies.
We must be wary of the rising trends of cyber-attacks and digital warfare.
We must accord urgency in responding to the ongoing pandemics and potential health emergencies.
We must pay heed to science and its warnings against deteriorating ecosystems and the changing climate.
Mr. Chair,
The new world order demands change. It warrants our Movement to adapt and fortify our relevance on the international stage.
I want all of us present here today to pause and ponder. To ponder on the “hows” and not the “whys”. To move forward despite the setbacks, and to make sure that as we do, the foundational tenets of this Movement remain intact.
How can we make our Movement stronger? How can we make it more inclusive? More transparent, more effective?
Allow me to make three suggestions.
First, there is a crucial need to restructure the existing working methods of the Movement. There is a shortage of capacity across member states. There is a wide efficiency gap. To address these issues, we must eliminate bureaucratic red tape and adopt simpler administrative procedures. We must also leverage state-of-the-art technology to modernize our operations. Digital platforms and tools can facilitate better connectivity and coordination. Innovation can help us streamline approaches. Being relevant today means working like an organization of tomorrow.
Second, our discussions must both be weighted and systematic. These are two prominent features of action-oriented and robust organizations. It is imperative that we strive to embody these ideals and extend our dialogue beyond traditional security challenges.
For many of us in NAM, non-traditional security threats continue to be of more prominence. Terrorism, organized crime, climate change, cyber and biological attacks, and pandemics disrupt our lives, our communities and our countries. We have to understand the changing needs of our world and respond to the new and unfamiliar. We have to invest in strengthening our resources and shaping forward-thinking strategies. This is how we keep up with the changing tides.
Mr. Chair,
No human is an island, entire of itself. No nation exists in isolation. We are bound and intertwined with our shared values and alliances. Any challenge faced in singularity multiplies with its ripple effect.
This brings me to my third and final point. NAM must lead on reforming global governance. No one, or no organization, has more of a stake in these efforts. Revitalizing the United Nations General Assembly, reforming the Security Council, re-invigorating the multilateral system. We at NAM should strongly defend multilateralism. We must defend the rules based international system. And we must strive to create an enabling environment that fosters international cooperation.
The trajectory for change and reform is clear.
What we require is not just direction; but determination.
Mr. Chair,
The Maldives, remains committed to the principles of this Movement. We are equally dedicated to the shared vision and aspirations of this collaborative force. We are determined to work together to create a world where all nations can thrive in peace, harmony, and mutual respect.
I thank you.